For our full website click here
Our price guide is currently being updated. In the meantime please call our office for exact price quotes.

Fare guide

All journey prices are fixed for the journey, meaning you can get an exact quote for your journey before you book. You can then be sure that the quoted price will be the price you pay (provided there are no additional stops en route that you didn’t mention when booking e.g. cash points, friends house etc).

Leicester Airport Taxi

Our airport taxi fares are fixed from anywhere in Leicester and the surrounding villages.

  • East Midlands: Car: £22. 6/8 Seat bus: £33. 14 Seater: £44

  • Birmingham: Car: £38 6/8 Seat bus: £50. 14 Seater: £75

  • Luton: Car: £68. 6/8 Seat bus: £100. 14 Seater: £130

  • Heathrow: Car: £90. 6/8 Seat bus: £135. 14 Seater: £175

  • Manchester: Car: £90. 6/8 Seat bus: £135. 14 Seater: £175

  • Stanstead: Car: £90. 6/8 Seat bus: £135. 14 Seater: £175

  • Gatwick: Car: £110. 6/8 Seat bus: £165. 14 Seater: £210

  • To book call us 24/7 or click here to book online.

    Car seats

    Please note. As of December 2016 we are no longer able to store car seats. You will therefore be unable to leave the seat with the driver when being dropped off. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

    Return pick ups

    For airport pickups we dispatch our vehicles to arrive 30 mins after your plane lands (we check landing time using the airports arrival times system). This gives you time to get through passport control and collect your luggage etc.

Terms and Conditions


All prices are pre set for journey and will be texted to you when your taxi is outside. If you would like an exact price quote before making the booking the staff on the telephone will be able to give an exact quote.


Please note for bookings made via the automated booking system or booking app the price on the text may be inncorret on the initial "driver outside" text. Once you are picked up and the driver finds out where you are going he will radio the office for a price.


Car seats

Private hire vehicles are exempt from requiring car seats for infants.
However the law states that the infant must still have it’s own seat in the vehicle (even if the infant is carried in somebody’s arms). Therefore if there are 4 people plus a baby you will still need a 5 seater vehicle and be charged at the mini bus rate.


Car seats on airport return journeys:

On the vast majority of occasions we will be able to bring the car seat back for the return airport journey.

On very rare occasions it may not be possible to bring the car seat on the return airport pickup. On these occasions the car seat will be available to be picked up from the office.


Lost Property


If you have left something in the taxi please call the office immedately as this will give the driver a better chance of finding your property.

Lost property can be picked up from our office. Please call to check the driver has dropped it off before setting out. The driver will drop it off at our office either when he is passing or at the end of his shift.

Alternately the driver will drop it off at your location. This will be chargable for the journey based on where the vehicle currently is to your location.


Airport pick ups

For airport pickups we dispatch our vehicles to arrive 30 mins after your plane lands (we check landing time using the airports arrival times system). This gives you time to get through passport control and collect your luggage etc.

Leicester Taxi Account Services

Club Taxis Leicester is able to offer flexible taxi account options for companies of all sizes. Our genuine 150 vehicle fleet operating 24/7 countywide means that wherever you need the taxi from, at whatever time, you can be assured that we will have a taxi close by.

Our fully computerised office ensures that invoicing is accurate and up to date 100% of the time.

Our fixed prices mean that customers can get an instant exact quote when they make their booking. This price will be the same every time the journey is taken. We can even work with you to produce a customised price list which includes common journeys that you plan on making with us. Prices guides from anywhere in Leicestershire can be found here.

We currently operate numerous taxi account services for businesses of all sizes throughout the county. We are also a trusted operator of many City and County Council school contracts (including both short and long distance journeys).

To discuss our account services in more details please call us on 0116 2313001 or email

Smart Phone App

With our free Smart Phone app for Android and IPhone you can:


  • Book your taxi for immediate dispatch
  • Make advance booking
  • Use real time tracking to find where your taxi is
  • Cancel advanced bookings


To download the app for free from your Android or Iphone click here